And the Hits Just Keep On Comin’!

Well, what else can we say but “WOW!”
And “Thank You!!!” of course! We are overwhelmed with the positive Community support we’ve received!
We wanted to share with our wonderful friends, fans and loyal customers, the enthusiastic feedback we’ve gotten since the unprecedented outbreak of the Covid-19 virus and how dramatically everyone’s lives have changed because of it, including the dramatic changes we’ve made at the store to ensure that your shopping experience at Scotts Valley Market is greeted with smiles and quiet reassurance that our #1 consideration is for your health, safety and well-being…
Well, we certainly heard from a lot of customers! We published the first collection of enthusiastic comments and assumed that was going to be it…
Was that it? Nope. Not by a long shot! Take a look at our latest collection of equally enthusiastic comments! (scroll down to read the intitial collection of comments).

A special shoutout of thanks to Robert Aldana and his popular Facebook group MyScottsValley for his positive post on Scotts Valley Market!
It looks as though our customers love us as much as we love them!

We never forget, in both good times and the more challenging times, that YOUR Health & Safety is OUR #1 Priority!!!